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Norman Wright著;潘香樂譯
證道, 1979

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初版. 種籽, 1979

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初版. 讀者文摘, 1979

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初版. 中流, 1979

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重印. 中華, 1979

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詫摩武俊著 ; 臨立譯
初版. 天地, 1979

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Ginger Pye

Eleaner Estes
1st ed.. Scholastic, 1979

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Dirt Bike Racer

Matt Christoper
1st ed.. Little Brown, 1979

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Newspaper Boy

John Escott ; ill. by Tony Morris
1st ed.. Heinemann, 1979

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Five True Horse Stories

Margaret Davidson ; ill. by Leo Summers
1st ed.. Scholastic, 1979

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Roald Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory : A Play

adapted by Richard George
1st ed.. Penguin, 1979

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The Little Girl and the Tiny Doll

Edward Ardizzone ; ill. by Edward Ardizzone, Aingelda Ardizzone
1st ed.. Puffin, 1979

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Hans Christian Andersen ; ill. by C.W. Nigoghossian
1st ed.. Troll, 1979

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Tale of Peter Rabbit

Beatrix Potter ; ill. by Margot Apple
1st ed.. Troll, 1979

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Frankenstenin Moved in on the Fourth Floor

Elizabeth Levy ; ill. by Mordicai Gerstein
1st ed.. Harper, 1979

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Psychology Made Simple

Abraham P. Sperling
1st ed.. W.H. Allen, 1979

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Big Anthony and the Magic Ring

Tomie dePaola
1st ed.. Scholastic, 1979

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The Bells of Truth

Catherine Lim
1st ed.. McGraw Hill, 1979

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A Message for Princess Ansia

Catherine Lim
1st ed.. McGraw Hill, 1979

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The King’s Visit

Catherine Lim
1st ed.. McGraw Hill, 1979

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