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新高中生活與物理第二版 E3 : 電子課本

初版. 牛津, 2016

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初版. 智學堂文化, 2016[民105]

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新高中生活與物理第二版 5: 教師用書

初版. 牛津, 2016

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新高中生活與物理第二版 E3 : 教師用書

初版. 牛津, 2016

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新高中生活與物理第二版 E4 : 教師用書

初版. 牛津, 2016

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新高中生活與物理第二版 4 : 基礎練習冊

初版. 牛津, 2016

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新高中生活與物理第二版 5: 基礎練習冊

初版. 牛津, 2016

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活學物理 3 : 放射現象和核能 教師用書

初版. 培生, 2016

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2016 年香港中學文憑考試試題專輯 : 物理

初版. 考評局, 2016

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Person Longman Physics Exam Exercise : Heat & Gases and Wave Motion (for Physics and Combines Science)

Lit Hung Yung
4th ed.. Longman, 2016

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麥可.傑拉德(Michael C. Gerald),葛羅莉亞.傑拉德(Gloria E. Gerald)作 ; 陸維濃譯
初版. 時報文化, 2016[民105]

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HKDSE Physics for 2016

1st ed.. Joint-Us, 2016

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NSS Physics at Work Second Edition 5 : Teacher’s Edition

1st ed.. Oxford, 2016

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NSS Physics at Work Second Edition E3 : Teacher’s Edition

1st ed.. Oxford, 2016

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NSS Physics at Work Second Edition E4 : Teacher’s Edition

1st ed.. Oxford, 2016

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NSS Physics at Work Second Edition 4 : Basic Exercise Book

1st ed.. Oxford, 2016

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NSS Physics at Work Second Edition 5 : Basic Exercise Book

1st ed.. Oxford, 2016

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2016 HKDSE Examination Question Papers : Physics

1st ed.. HKEAA., 2016

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HKDSE Physics for 2017

1st ed.. Joint-Us, 2016

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Physics 1000 : A Comprehensive MC Exercise for HKDSE Students Compulsory Part

Reprinted.. Joint-Us, 2016

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