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Penguin Readers / Pearson English Readers : The Return of Sherlock Holmes

Arthur Conan Doyle ; retold by Janet McAlpin
1st ed.. Pearson, 2000,2008

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Photo of the Tall Man

Stephen Rabley
1st ed.. Pearson, 2000

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Rosa Raye, Crime Reporter

Sue Kerman
1st ed.. Pearson, 2000

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The Ring

Bernard Smith
1st ed.. Pearson, 2000

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The Great Discovery

mandy Loader
1st ed.. Pearson, 2000

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Happy Christmas

John Escott
2nd ed.. Pearson, 2001

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The Ghost of Izieu

James Watson
1st ed.. Pearson, 2000

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The Oscars

Vicky Shipton
1st ed.. Pearson, 2001

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Paul Shipton
2nd ed.. Pearson, 2001

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The Mystery of the Blue Mines

Kris Anderson
1st ed.. Pearson, 2000

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