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Classic Star : A Little Princess

retold from the Frances Hodgson Burnett original by Tania Zamorsky ; ill. by Lucy Corvino
1st ed.. Sterling Pub., 2005

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Classic Starts : The Secret Garden

retold from the Frances Hodgson Burnett original by Martha Hailey ; ill. by Lucy Corvino
1st ed.. Sterling Pub., 2005

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Penguin Readers : Billy Elliot

by Melvin Burgess
1st ed.. Pearson, 2008

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The Science Fair Surprise

written by Melissa Blackwell Burke ; ill. by Patrick Joseph
1st ed.. Steck-Vaughn, 2000

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The Secret Gradren

F.H. Burnett ; ill. by N.S. Carpenter
1st ed.. Random House, 1993

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A Little Pincess

Frances Hodgson Burnett
1st ed.. Puffin, 1994

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A Little Princess

Frances Hodgson Burnet
1st ed.. Scholastic, [n.d.]

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Monkey Business

Mark Burgess
1st ed.. Puffin, 1991

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Ladybird Classics : The Secret Garden

Frances Hodgson Burnett ; ill. by Gilly Marklew
1st ed.. Ladybird, 1994

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How Many Feet ? How Many Tails ?

Marilyn Burns ; ill. by Lynn Adams
1st ed.. Scholastic, 1996

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Penguin Readers : The Secret Garden

Frances Hodson Burnett
1st ed.. Penguin, 1997

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The Secret Garden

F.F. Burnett
1st ed.. Scholastic, 1993

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Great Illustrated Classics : The Secret Garden

F.H. Burnett ; ill. by S.A. Kaster
1st ed.. Braonet Books, 1996

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A Choose-Your-Way Gamebook : The Pirates of Doom

Patrick Burston ; ill. by Atelier P. Harchy
1st ed.. Walker Books, 1996

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A Choose-Your-Way Gamebook : The Planet of Terror

Patrick Burston ; ill. by Atelier P. Harchy
1st ed.. Walker Books, 1996

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The Secert Garden

BY Frances Hodgson Burnett
1st ed.. Ladybird, 1994

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Ladybird Classics : The Secret Garden

Frances Hodgson Burnett ; ill. by Gilly Marklew
1st ed.. Ladybird, 1994

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The Secret Garden

1st ed.. Ladybird, 1994

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Burger !

Damon Burnard
1st ed.. Houghton Mifflin, 1998

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A Little Princess

Frances Hodson Burnett
1st ed.. Oxfrod, 2000

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