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初版. 繁榮出被社, 2000

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館藏地 索書號 現狀

Boy : Tales of Childhood

Roald Dahl
Reissued.. Puffin Books, 1999,2009

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館藏地 索書號 現狀

Charles Dickens : The Great Storyteller

Lim Michelle
1st ed.. Rhythm, 2005

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館藏地 索書號 現狀

Cracking the da Vinci Code

Simon Cox
1st ed.. Michael O'Mara Books, 2004

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館藏地 索書號 現狀

J.K.Rowling : A Biography

Kirk Connie Ann
1st ed.. Greenwood, 2003

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館藏地 索書號 現狀

Who Wrote That ? Judy Blume

Elisa Ludwig
2nd ed.. Chelsea House, 2009

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館藏地 索書號 現狀

Who Wrote That ? Stephenine Meyer

Tracey Baptiste
1st ed.. Chelsea House, 2010

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館藏地 索書號 現狀

Who Wrote That ? Stephen King

Michael Baughan
1st ed.. Chelsea House, 2009

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館藏地 索書號 現狀

Who Wrote That ? R.L. Stine

Hal Marcovitz
1st ed.. Chelsea House, 2006

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館藏地 索書號 現狀

Who Wrote That ? Charles Dickens

Donna Dailey
1st ed.. Chelsea House, 2005

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館藏地 索書號 現狀

The Gloriumptious Worlds of Roald Dahl

written by Stella Caldwell ; ill. by Quentin Blake
1st ed.. Carlton Books, 2016

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館藏地 索書號 現狀

What Is the Story of the Wizard of Oz ?

by Kirsten Anderson ; ill. by Robert Squier
1st ed.. Penguin Workshop, 2019

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館藏地 索書號 現狀