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Geometry’s Great Thinkers : The History of Geometry

Bonnie Coulter Leech
1st ed.. Rosen, 2006

轉去搜尋:Google | WorldCat | HKPL | HKALL

館藏地 索書號 現狀

Where We Play Sports : Measuring the Perimeters of Playgons

Greg Roza
Rev. ed.. Rosen, 2010

轉去搜尋:Google | WorldCat | HKPL | HKALL

館藏地 索書號 現狀

The Great Pyramid of Giza : Measuring Lenght, Area, Volume, and Angles

Janey Levy
1st ed.. Rosen, 2006

轉去搜尋:Google | WorldCat | HKPL | HKALL

館藏地 索書號 現狀

Exploring Pyramids Around the World : Making Models of Geometric Solids

Orli Zuravicky
Rev. ed.. Rosen, 2011

轉去搜尋:Google | WorldCat | HKPL | HKALL

館藏地 索書號 現狀

Famous Bridges of the World : Measuring Length, Weight and Volume

Yolondo Maxwell
1st ed.. Rosen, 2005

轉去搜尋:Google | WorldCat | HKPL | HKALL

館藏地 索書號 現狀